Why Want More When You Can Have Less…!!

In 2021, the idea is to go minimal because less is more.

3 min readJul 27, 2021
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

The world is changing at such a rapid pace that nothing seems to be fulfilling our needs. Every other day, there is a new invention, a new technology, a new product, and people blindly buy these things without ever realizing if they need it or not. People are driven by consumerism. Our society is already consumed by this idea. We want more and more. We want to travel more, eat more, shop more, and live more. We can never have enough.

I haven’t seen anyone satisfied with his present. Everyone complains about wanting this or that. People who lived centuries ago were better as they lived simply. The idea of the minimalist approach comes from the cave era. The thought behind less is more profound. You need to understand it carefully.

I don’t get the idea of hoarding everything. When you can live in a small house and eat two times a day, have two to three pairs of clothes and shoes, there is no need to have everything in your possession. The thing is, we are brainwashed with unnecessary advertisements on social media to buy useless stuff. Consumerism has reached such a dangerous point that it has become a competition between people to have more. This competition is unhealthy and we are suffering from it already.

We are no one to blame, we are the society and we have nourished the notion of having more. The competition of going extra has cost us our mental peace. With the increasing social problems, depression and anxiety are at every door. We buy things and gadgets thinking they would make us happy. But there is this saying; money can’t buy happiness. I would change happiness to mental peace. Money cannot buy mental peace and that is an ultimate fact.

We are living in a world where more is appreciated and less is looked down upon. Having more is a priority, be it in clothes, houses, food, travel, etc. Is it better to have more in life?

No, it’s not.

As you grow older and wiser, you come to understand that materialistic things don+’t matter. What matters is your perspective towards life, your feelings, and emotions towards your friends and family, and your inner peace. When you choose less, you are no less than people having more. You are prioritizing other important things. Choosing simple living does not mean abandoning everything. It means you give value to better things that have actual worth.

One thing I have realized is that the more I wanted, the less I slept peacefully. The desire for more creates chaos and conflict in your mind and soul. More is never about a meaningful life, less is always about creating more space in the simple life. If you ever try to analyze all your belongings, most of them will be unnecessary. A bulk of possessions can never guarantee lifetime happiness. When your life is uncertain, do not waste it on materialistic things.

“We go on multiplying our conveniences only to multiply our cares. We increase our possessions only to the enlargement of our anxieties”. (Anna C. Brackett, 1836)

Less is always better..!!

Have you ever considered decluttering your worldly possessions?

If not, try it now.

A lot of things that you consider necessary are not significant. You try to keep everything at hand, but the truth is, these things and advanced gadgets are of no use. The daily inventions are ruining our environment. Society is becoming robotic. Social problems are on the rise. People are suffering emotionally and mentally.

Ask yourself if material possessions give security and real happiness..!!

These things can never give you inner satisfaction. Make a place for joy and happiness in your mind and life by removing all unnecessary things. If we have less of something, it will give us more. More of self-reflection and mindfulness.

The key to mindfulness is minimalism. If you live simply, you live peacefully.

Henry David Beecher says:

“It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has”.

You decide, what kind of rich you want..!!

Money, mansions, and everything with depression and anxiety or less money, adequate living with comfort, inner happiness, and peace of mind.




Mama of a toddler who loves to read and write about everything.