The First Seven Years of Life

Crucial development happens in the first 7 years after a child’s birth.

4 min readAug 15, 2021
Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

Yesterday, my son reminded me of something by explaining the whole scenario in his blabbering. This little miracle had me wondered about how amazing is this child’s brain. How can a baby just 1.5 years old remember these details?

It is fascinating. Isn’t it?

I don’t know if we were dumb or this new generation is coming with an advanced version of the human brain. Like literally!!

I have been seeing little girls and boys with smartphones and doing extraordinary things. I don’t blame them. The era that we are living in has a whole new level of technology and science. The consumption of media and science has so increased that it has become a necessity for a child to use smartphones and other devices.

We cannot restrict our kids. Our kids have inherited this environment. It is embedded in their systems. That is why their brains are developing at a high pace.

In my subconsciousness, my child should be immune to technology. He should not be growing so fast. But I am wrong.

My child is so ahead of my thinking, he understands every little detail. He knows where mama has hidden the AC remote, and how to use a smartphone at such a little age. He remembers if someone said anything yesterday, and he tells me repeatedly until I understand.

I keep learning about the development of children and how my kid is doing according to that. I want to share some information regarding this.

From birth to seven years of age, children experience two stages of cognitive development.

  • Sensorimotor (from birth to 2 years)

Children at this age learn from sensory perceptions and motor activities.

  • Preoperational (from 2 to 7 years)

Memory and imagination of children are developed in these years. Little minds think through symbols and language.

In the early years, children need the utmost love, care, and affection from their parents. They should not feel the urge to ask for love and care, instead, parents should pamper their kids with genuine love. As this stage is critical, the children should be nurtured and supported dearly.

Our kids deserve a healthy environment. A safe place where their emotional, social, and educational needs are met. They should have a proper family time where playing around, studying and other activities should happen frequently.

The most important factor that I have observed with my child is communication. Kids love to communicate with you. If I reply to every blabber of my kid, he becomes so happy. Better communication is important for your child’s healthy mind.

This takes us to a ‘Healthy Parenting’. When your kid is growing with love, affection, and care, he is living a healthy lifestyle. The kid’s parents are doing an excellent job.

It means parents are:

  • Responding to children in a positive way
  • Showing warmth, affection, and empathy
  • Supporting them in every way
  • Regulating house rules i.e. disciplining their children
  • Playing and talking with children.

Did you know children have developmental milestones?

My baby will turn 2 in December 2021. Since his birth, I am obsessed with his little milestones. The first time he took a step, the first time he said mama, the first time he started eating by himself, and many more. I take his pictures and make videos of him frequently. I want to make a journal for him so that he can have a treasure to cherish when he grows older.

He deserves to know that his parents, grandparents, and uncles loved him dearly. I want him to grow with our endless love and support and be able to do what he wants to do in life. What we didn’t have in life, I want my child to have.

For my child to become a decent person, I have to make sure the first seven years are not neglected. If by any chance, you find unusual behavior in your child, you must consult your doctor. Being mothers, we have to evaluate milestones with the age of children. A missed milestone could cause a problem in your child’s growth. If it happens, take your child for a formal evaluation to a trained specialist.

Ali Ibn Talib (a renowned and respectable figure in Islamic history) says:

“Play with them(children) for the first seven years, then teach them for the next seven years, then advise them for the next seven years, (and after that…)”.

In my opinion, the first seven years are most important as they build a foundation of your relationship with your kids. Let your children do everything, involve yourself with them, talk to them, play with them, read to them, and above all, build an emotional connection with them.

A strong emotional connection is key to your child’s well-being.




Mama of a toddler who loves to read and write about everything.