I would be so happy if my stars get lucky!

Right now, at this moment, I am sitting in front of my laptop helplessly just writing.

3 min readSep 14, 2021
Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

When life does not seem to be going according to your plan, when all of your efforts just go in vain, when the gleaming line of hope starts to vanish, and the light at the end of the tunnel is not meant for you….!

What should you do?

I am the bird that has wings but she does not know how to fly, she tries but fails over and over again.

I am the abandoned flower that showers fragrance everywhere but no one wants to put it in the garden because of its fragility.

I am the half-moon that shines dim, but people all praise only for the full moon.

I wanted to be an independent bird flying away to the top of those mighty mountains, but sometimes, the height is not for you. You have to live in between your dreams and reality.

I wanted to be a rose, a sunflower, a lily, people would have taken me with them to decorate their homes. Instead, I live here in the garden in all my glory but never complained.

I wanted to be a full moon too, that shines so bright, people do not get tired of looking at it. But that was in my fate to just shine so dim, only I could see that light within.

Remember, no one in the world will come to tell you your worth!

It is just you against the world.

It is you against those birds who fly high and never look behind for the birds that stayed.

It is you against those blooming flowers that everyone loves to smell and put in their hair.

It is you against that dazzling full moon, attracting everyone that nobody cares to look at you.


Was that bird not worthy enough to conquer her sky?

Was that flower not worthy of any place other than its own home?

Was that half-moon not able to give light to others?

It happens when you never realize your worth!

How can you expect others to treat you well when you don’t know how to treat yourself!

Your stars are always lucky, it’s you who needs to understand this.

Let’s say after me.

You are beautiful.

You are worthy.

You are enough.

You are YOU.

That is your Super-power.

Times can be tough. Tides of life may not be in your favor. People may leave you. Love will tire you. Everything will exhaust you. Nothing would seem right.

You will feel stuck in a dungeon.

You only remember those memories which hurt you the most. You live a lifeless life. You forget how to be happy anymore. You just keep pushing yourself. You drag through days. You find solace in grief.

When you find yourself alone in those dark demons, no matter how trivial the chances are!

Yet hold on tight…

To Hope

To Miracle

To Life

To Yourself.

Maybe, something bigger is waiting for you on the other end.

Maybe, it’s time for your stars to shine.

Let us believe together!

Something is coming up, for you and for me too!




Mama of a toddler who loves to read and write about everything.