Don’t let your Job/Work get to your head!

Leave it there, done and dusted…!!!

2 min readNov 22, 2022
Photo by Mike Kienle on Unsplash

Hectic work, tiring routine, and drained energy at the end of the day.

A Dilemma of the 21st century!

Whether we are working in offices or from home, work hours just seem longer and longer. Getting stuck in the piles of files, sending those Emails, and managing schedules — you are just stuck in a rut.

A routine that is not filling your mind and soul with contentment, instead, it is filling your body with hollowness.

I know how it feels. I know how to cope with it.

No, I am not suggesting going and taking a vacation because many of us can’t afford that too.

But I am going to suggest a few healthy habits that can help you rejuvenate yourself and bring back that happy face of yours :)

A few tips and tricks and you are good to go.

Many of you would already be doing something to keep your inner selves happy but I am sure, most of us don’t have the energy to even go to the loo at the end of the day, let alone do a hobby.

Hobbies take much of your time, so not an option for super busy people.

Still, there are 24 hours a day, and you can at least take out 20–30 mins every day to do some fun activities to keep the spirit alive.

Oh come on, give it already! (you might be thinking that right now :D)

  1. The first thing that I try every day is to take deep breaths for 5 minutes. It works. Yes, seriously!

Take deep breaths whenever you feel tired, empty, and done for the day. No joke, these are doctors’ recommended too.

2. Talk to your partner.

Or your parents/sister/friend. The one who you know will always listen to your rants and all. This one is tried and tested. The heaviness you feel just goes away in seconds.

3. Give yourself alone time. Try sitting in nature or simply just gaze at fresh leaves or flowers.

Nature has this natural ability to take all of your worries away. Lose yourself in nature for just 5 minutes and it will work like magic. You will feel light and fresh.

These might not work like magic wands but trust me, just try one daily and you will thank me later!

What else do you do to keep yourself sane in tough times?




Mama of a toddler who loves to read and write about everything.