Do Disappointments always co-relate with Sadness?

You can still hope for the best. Right?

2 min readDec 15, 2021
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

Ever since I was a kid, I used to get sad if something didn’t go my way. I guess it’s just a law of nature. We, humans, get so mad in having everything that we want like it is the end of the world.

And disappointment results in extreme mood swings, bad behavior and sadness.

What if I tell you, there is always something hidden behind every disappointment.

Like they say,

Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, a blessing in disguise indeed!

Let me tell you a story. A friend of mine got ditched by someone whom she really liked and wanted to get married too. For some reasons, the guy couldn’t continue. She was heartbroken. After spending few months in grief, she took control of her life, continued her studies. She is still happily single, pursuing her PHD, and have a stable job.

Did you see that silver lining in this story? Like a blessing in disguise!

Hey friends, she was the silver lining. The heartbreak was her blessing in disguise. She found her light at the end of the tunnel.

SHE IS HAPPY! That matters only.

Who told you, you cannot be happy again?

Who dared to make you feel less?

What if something didn’t work-out? There is always anything else.

If you are struggling today, it doesn’t mean you have to suffer. Struggles can be beautiful too.

What? Too mainstream?

Okay, Try this!

If you are struggling today, it doesn’t mean it will not end. Obviously and hopefully, you will be fine. (Not today but someday)

Not saying you are going to be fine in an hour or by tomorrow or a day after that.

I am just saying, it will pass.

Every disappointment should not be a sad one. It should teach you something, it should change your perception of thinking, it should not end up in literally, cracking and smashing everything up.

My friends, Times are uncertain. Very uncertain. Just keep on living. Change your direction. Move a little.

Would you believe if I tell you that I have been trying to generate a stable income for myself for a year now? But still, no luck. Nothing, just few dollars. But these few dollars are keeping me grounded.

So, just one step at a time. Baby steps!

I am trying. You try too!




Mama of a toddler who loves to read and write about everything.