Did I Not Wish You A Happy New Year?

With love, luck and happiness…!!

2 min readJan 16, 2022
Photo by Afrah on Unsplash

How did I not find any change in the year 2022?

Everything is same.

In fact, Covid is coming back. This time with different names (Omicron, Flurona)but same intensity.

I am not one of those people who get excited on birthdays and new years and all that. Yes, I used to but not anymore. You know, old age!

Fuck you 30!

I tried to write on new years, but seeing all the “New year, new me” posts, I preferred not to. I mean, who the hell are these people? What is new? And what even on Earth is this?…….Bla, Bla, Bla….(Don’t hate me, please!)

I wish I can tell all of them…..Hey, You are growing old, you are nearing the end, you are perishing!

Aaaaaahhhh….I am getting old, I am reproducing, I am responsible af!

Who wants to get old? Right?

I want to go back to my childhood days where I kept blabbering and playing and no one even said a word. I want to go back to my teenage days where partying and all the fun was allowed. I so want to relive!

But then, I think I have to actually live again. So, NO Thankyou.

I am good. Sucking at life but still good.

You can suck too and be kind and good.

To tell you the truth, I enjoyed all these new year shitty posts. It is a kind of way to get excited and be happy. I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. If you find happiness in posting such stuff but in reality you are the same old maniac, then it is fine. Yes, very good. Go for it. I am here cheering for you!

I do too! Once in a blue moon, I feel good and I post on my Instagram. Though, I don’t get any likes but I feel good about myself. You know, That’s what matters at the end.

On a serious note, I wished so hard, so hard for the world to get back to normal and it did. But for a short while!

As we are half-past January, I wish you all good stars luck, free of covid health and genuine happiness. May we all see good, feel good and do good in the year 2022.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE. May God be with you all!




Mama of a toddler who loves to read and write about everything.