Never thought all of my fantasies will crack like this, reality is different.

3 min readAug 10, 2021
Photo by Youssef Mohamed on Unsplash

As a child, you too showed your moves to everyone and said, ‘you want to be a superhero’ or you want to be ‘bride’ or anything weird like this.

Yes, I did it too. HAHA.

No, not embarrassed. But I feel happy that I was lucky enough to do all the stupid stuff that a child does.

The 90s generation had an amazing childhood. We were lucky to roam around the streets, buy ice cream from the corner shop, celebrated every occasion, and wore colorful dresses without the fear of being judged. The time where people had time for others, no one felt alone, and get-to-gathers were normal.

To climb up the tree and play water-water with water pipes, to run around in a ring-a ring-a roses, and make a train-I wish to go back there.

I wish I could live that life again.

The life that had no worries, the life that was full of love and laughter.

My fantasy about Adulthood shattered when:

What even is life when you do not experience any setback? Right!

Childhood was all cute and gushy having dolls and cars and candies and ice-creams.

Just like that, life was beautiful.

When you reach a certain age, where societal norms demand a standard life from you to have, and you do not meet that standard. That is where all fantasies shatter.

I believe everyone has a different period. If someone has reached a stable standard point where he is living comfortably, that is his time. He worked hard for it.

Maybe, your time has not arrived yet or maybe, you are not doing enough. It is always up to you.

I was one of those who loved to live in her dream world. Dreaming about prince charming, owning his house and car, and living like a queen.

No, my love. That does not happen. Reality is different.

All of my 30s mates, you can feel my disappointment.

In my head, I am Joey. I don’t want to get old.

I don’t want to stress why my child is not pooping today? Or why my husband is not calling me from work? Is my child sick? Or what if my husband is seeing someone?

NO…!! Not my deal.

What is adulthood about then?

If adulthood is about caring for your loved ones, then I am in. I enjoy taking care of my family.

If adulthood is about understanding your situation and handling it properly, then I am doing fine.

If adulthood is about balancing your work, your child, and your home, then please clap for me.

I am doing it all and I am not complaining. I am loving it so far.

If it is ordinary, I don’t care. I am living it and I am happy.

Does anything else matter?

Not really!!

In present times; where everything is abnormal, be grateful if you are living a normal life.

Because millions had gone wishing for a normal life, and millions are fighting to just breathe.

So, if set back happened, it’s okay. I have many other things to be grateful for in the present moment.

And so do you!!




Mama of a toddler who loves to read and write about everything.