2022: You were just another Year

Am I being so harsh?

3 min readDec 24, 2022
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

With each passing minute, I become more grounded and humble.


Because Life happened!

You know, the time when you are always on cloud nine, not giving a f**k about anything, and everyone is running behind you to make you feel special, and you are just there feeling all princess-yy and what not!

My God….

Should I feel guilty, ashamed, or what? Mixed emotions. I know I am not alone in this. Everyone enjoys his/her time.

Not that I didn’t care about anything. I did.

But the regret that I wasted most of my time thinking that you have a long way to go. You will have time for this and for that, bla bla bla…

But friends, let me tell you this. Getting your shit together as early in life is a blessing.

No, no, no don’t get me wrong. It is very much fine if you choose the right track in your 30s, 40s, or even 50s. Doesn’t matter! Your call!

But figuring out in your 20s and doing what you love, the combination of both is awesome.

No, I didn’t get my shit together in my 20s and sorry to say, I am in my 30s and still trying to figure out what I actually love.

And I assume there will be many out there like me who are still so confused, still shy, and still finding out what to do with life.

Well, yeah, Whatever!

What I have learned in 2022 specifically is that your financial independence is so important.

Your money, Your life, Your wish!

This is what LIFE is!

Everything follows if you have a nice career. That is true.

A nice house to come to, a nice car, enough balance in the account, and that’s it.

Finding a partner is another thing. It comes with time, you know.

Well, I found my partner first. Yeah right, DESI ASIAN FAMILY.

I guess, we humans are designed like that. We crave what is not within our reach!

That's me, that’s us.

My friends, 2022 was all about shattered dreams, undying efforts, failed missions, and a very little light.

This made me calmer, more humble, and more grounded than ever before.

Now, I don’t care if I get a little less than the others, if I don’t get what I deserve, and if I don’t get acknowledged for my efforts.

This whole process has, somehow, put my heart at ease. You know, leaving it all in Almighty’s Hands and not worrying much.

This is what I want to convey to you too.

Maybe, you tried hard too, but your efforts have gone in vain, you did your all and in return, you got nothing.

Don’t worry. It is your time to let go, be at ease, and let the Creator do what he does best. You already shone, and now is the time to rest.

Don’t hurry. Life is already at a fast pace. You might need to slow it down. Take one step at a time. Live every day, pray every day.

Haha, enough. Not want to sound like Grandma here :D

But I hope, you get the idea. Right? ;)

Love and Light and Happy Holidays, People!




Mama of a toddler who loves to read and write about everything.